Glossary | A Net of Emotions
The Warmth of the Body
Size: 1550 x 300 x 600 cm
Media: Red light, vinyl, red acrylic on the wall
The text-painting in a site-specific context. The piece is created directly on the wall inside of the gallery. It consists of a red-painted wall, which was pasted text in red colour on value one tone stronger than the background. It has been illuminated with slightly pulsing red light, so the picture has gained an extra dimension.
Wozownia Gallery, Toruń, Poland, February 2013
Photos by Kazimierz Napiórkowski

The project was commissioned by Wroclaw Contemporary Museum. It is in the collection of the Wroclaw Contemporary Museum.
The work consists of 40 white cubes. On their walls, the artist placed black letters of the alphabets belonging to the languages spoken in the European Union. We can find there the signs of Latin and Greek alphabets, Cyrillic, ligatures and diacritical marks, present in several languages.
The aim of the work is to create a field for common communication. The project attempts to initiate a situation of ‚possible communication’, that would be a result of a cultural integration based on a common Latin-Greek language platform. This situation appears despite phonetic or personal barriers. The work takes the form o a game. Arbitrary parts of speech derived from one language are possible to constructively function in expressions formed in another. In this realization, an important role is played by a common communication base.
Moreover, the work is interactive – it determines the recipient to create their own message that will be visible from a distance and legible to others. The walls of the cubes, supporting one another, play a symbolic, integrative role here. A cube without one wall, and hence without one letter, is no longer a cube.
Àpropos is a series of debates, lectures and meetings organized at WCM, which subjects are inspired by the Polish Presidency 2011 of the Council of the European Union.
Coordination of the Project: Kamil Nowelli, Wroclaw Contemporary Museum (more about the project).
Special thanks to Kamil Nowelli, Paweł Dziaduch, Michał Stefani
27 October 2011, Wroclaw Contemporary Museum
A Brief Story of Chance

A Brief Story of a Chance is a text-game and a spatial hypertext. This installation tells the story of the consequences of a chance encounter.
The story consists of three alternative subplots, dependent on the different responses of the main hero in several situations. By choosing to follow one plot, the reader has to give up the other ones. In order to read the text, they has to enter inside the book and follow the paths determined by threads stretched between its parts. Sometimes the threads split into two or three lines, offering the reader an alternative choice.
The story is narrated in the third person singular, in the historical present tense. The nature of the text resembles the style of a film script, and the story is set in one city at a specific moment in time (unity of time and space).

The objective of this work was to connect the content and the form of the story so as to give the reader a physical experience of perceiving the text, to initiate a game, and let them play the part of the protagonist by following his movement and performing his gestures. On the one hand, the plot enforces the reader’s mobility; on the other hand, it creates a textual environment and catches the reader on the web.
Korporacja Ha!art, 2010
Gallery of Art of Częstochowa City 2011
Conversation on A Brief Story of a Chance at the Cultural GPS, Anna Zimoch’s Radio Programme.
Photos by Ilona Łyżwa

A site-specific textual work in a narrow (1,1m), high (3,5m) and long (16m) exhibition space of the museum, placed against the windows. The shape of the space does not allow stepping back and reading the text in full. The work can be only seen and read from within.
The word GRENZERFAHRUNG is a compound of two terms: border and learning. The work is a follow-up to the video installation Border of Cognition (2007), whose text is written in Hebrew.
The German-language version is a response to the Hebrew original. The aim of this work was to create the opportunity for dialogue between two cultures and languages entangled in history, by hampering the perception of the texts but also by pointing to their meanings.
The work is in the Museum Modern Art collection, Hunfeld, Germany.
Photos by Jakub Gryglicki